CIRCe at Researchers' Night

29 September 2017

Back again this year the European Researchers' Night, also launched in Turin and Piedmont, the initiative promoted and co-funded by the European Commission within the European Framework Program for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, with the aim of approaching the general public in the research world and in particular the researcher's figure, to show that "the researcher is a normal person doing exceptional things."
The European Researchers' Night is held each year on the last Friday of September at the same time in more than 200 European cities. The appointment with the 12th edition is September 29, 2017.
This year again the semiotics of the Interdepartmental Research Center for Communication (CIRCe) of the University of Turin, coordinated by prof. ugo Volli, will help us to better understand what is and how the semiotic investigation works, which places the processes of formation and attesting of meaning into the center, examining objects, subjects and experiences of the world.
The 2017 edition entitled "SENSUS VIVENDI: SEMIOTICS AND QUOTIDITY" will propose interesting activities: among them the Propp card game and narration, food and enunciation 2.0, the new media.

We are waiting for you at box number 37!

For more information on the event and activities of the CIRCe visit the site of Researchers' Night