Tòpicos del Seminario: new call for papers
The call for papers for "Tópicos del Seminario", Journal of Semiotics, is now available. The number, curated by María Luisa Solís Zepeda (publisher), will focus on "Subject and Subjectivity".
Subject and subjectivity may be subject to specific and independent research; however, it is almost impossible to focus on one without taking into consideration the other.
Researchers are invited to participate in the discussion: the deadline for receiving documents by e-mail is 23 October 2017. Please send the proposal through the website: http://www.topicosdelseminario.buap.mx/index .php / topsem. Authors will have to follow the instructions to register on the site and submit their articles.
Additional information: the items will need to be unpublished. The articles will be accepted in the following languages: Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and English, although preferably when approved, the text written in these languages will be translated into Spanish by industry specialists. Items will be subject to double evaluation.
The articles should have a maximum length of 35,000 characters and will be accompanied by an abstract of about 130 words (about 700 characters), with three key terms and the following information: name of the author, institution, school, institutional address, telephone number , fax and e-mail number.
All correspondence should be sent to the following address:
Tópicos del Seminario, Apartado postale 163 Center Histórico 72000 Puebla, Puebla Phone and Fax: (00 52 222) 229 5502
For more information, see the dedicated website and the complete call in pdf format