Odeon Project, call for papers for Conference: "Né la terra, né la sacra pioggia, né la luce del sole - il senso del tragico"

Nominations are now open to participate as speakers at the Second International Conference University "Project Odeon" Student Graduates in humanities. The event will take place on 22-23 May 2017 at the Aula Magna of the University of Turin (Via Po, 17). The conference, with the title  "Né la terra, né la sacra pioggia, né la luce del sole - il senso del tragico", aims to investigate the relationship between man and his destiny, with a sense of evil that permeates the fate of and each one seems to govern the invisible patterns of history.

The conference proceedings will be published by the Scientific Committee.
For more informations please see the CFP in PDF format: the deadline for the submission of applications as speaker of the conference EXPIRES ON 31 JANUARY 2017. Consult the dedicated site for further informations.