International Conference "Mediation and Immediacy the Semiotic Turn in the Study of Religion"

"The doodling of Jesus, or the unwriting of the law"


Massimo Leone (University of Turin)

"Spirit writing in Vietnam and China"


Peter van der Veer and Tam Ngo (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen)


"Writing immediacy: epiphany in contemporary European fiction"


 Jenny Ponzo (Ludwig Maximilians University Munich) 

"Voice and the sonic dimensions of religion: semiotic mediation and acoustic atmospheres in Mauritian Muslim devotional practices"


Patrick Eisenlohr (Georg August University Göttingen)



"Cultures of ineffability"


Naomi Janowitz (University of California, Davis)

"The somatic semiotics of demonic diagnostics"


Thomas J. Csordas (University of California, San Diego)



"Walking the sūtra: a nonrepresentational theory of ritual"


Tatsuma Padoan (SOAS, University of London)


"Returning the gift: the semiotics of ritual exchange and religious rejections of exchange"


Robert Yelle (Ludwig Maximilians University Munich)


Keynote June 8, 2016


"Biosemiotics and the mediation of seemingly unmediated experiences"

Ann Taves (University of California, Santa Barbara)


"Medieval theology and theory of signs"


Costantino Marmo (University of Bologna)


"How is a religious sign composed?"


Volkhard Krech (Ruhr -University Bochum)


"Signs of the unseen: normative cognition in the making of the social world"


Jeppe S. Jensen (University of Aarhus)


"The supremacy of the „Quranic‟ sign and its impacts on Arabic Muslim culture"


Mohamed Bernoussi (University of Meknès)

"The instable multiplicity of texts: the semiotics of Holy Spirit inspiration in Evangelical Bible translation"


Courtney Handman (University of Texas at Austin)

"The absolute sacred: semiotics, religion, and western art music"


Christopher Lehrich (Boston, MA)

"From sign to context, from representation to multiple receptions: exploring the diffusion of religious images within culture"


Daria Pezzoli - Olgiati (University of Zurich)

"Discourses on immediacy and mediation in classical and modern Advaita Vedānta"


Annette Wilke (Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster)

"The other Buddha: leaving monasteries, fighting the enemy".


Vincenzo Pace (University of Padua)

"Semiotic transgression"


Keynote Webb Keane  (University of Michigan)

"Mediation and immediacy in the Jewish legal tradition"


Bernard Jackson (Liverpool Hope University)

"Post - secular jurisprudence and the visual semiotics of presence"


Richard  Sherwin (New York Law School)

"Legal theology and communication: the meaning of Christian eschatology between immanency and transcendence in contemporary social sciences"


Paolo Heritier (University of Turin)

"Angel as intercultural medium"


Atsushi Okada (University of Kyoto)

"'Anì velo mal'akh'. Are angels in the Torah a sort of medium?"


Ugo Volli (University of Turin)

Keynote June 10, 2016

"The Semiotic Varietes of Religious Experience"

Michael Silverstein (University of Chicago)