International Conference "The Meaning of Conspiracy", Plot and Mystery in Communication

A cooperation between the Chair of Romance Cultures, University of Potsdam, and C.I.R.Ce–Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sulla Comunicazione, University of Turin, with the support of the DAAD–German Academic Exchange Service. Speakers include scholars and teachers of international fame such as Umberto Eco , Maurizio Ferraris , Paolo Heritier , Eva Kimminich , Massimo Leone , Peppino Ortoleva , Walter Quattrociocchi , Giuseppe Tipaldo , Ugo Volli .


Below are available images and videos of the interventions uploaded to the You Tube channel Lexia and the dedicated Facebook page.

Collective Dynamics in The age of Misinformation

Introduction by EVA KIMMINICH, University ofi Potsdam, e MASSIMO LEONE, University of Turin

“Collective Dynamics in The age of Misinformation” WALTER QUATTROCIOCCHI, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca

Hoaxes, Pseudoscience, and Sociology

“One Hoax to Rule Them All, One Hoax to Find Them, One Hoax to Bring Them All and in Pseudoscience Bind Them” | GIUSEPPE TIPALDO, University of Turin

Truthing and Courting: The Social Construction of Reality in Rhetorics, Media, and Images

Coordinates: SAMAN HAMDI, University of Potsdam

“About Truthing and Courting: Fragments and Patterns of Social Construction of Reality in Rhetorics, Media and Images” | EVA KIMMINICH, JULIUS ERDMANN, MAREEN BELLOFF e JENNY ZIEMS, University of Potsdam

The Significance of Conspiracy Theories and Stalinist Show Trials in Eastern Europe

Coordina: EVA KIMMINICH, University of Potsdam

“The Shifting Significance of Conspiracy Theory” | Katharina Thalmann (in place of MICHAEL BUTTER), University of Tübingen

“Performing and Communicating Conspiracy Theories: Stalinist Show Trials in Eastern Europe during the Cold War”, UTE CAUMANNS, University of Hamburgc

Conspiracy Theories and the Sociology of Knowledge / Islamization and the German Right Wing Groups

Coordina: JULIUS ERDMANN, University of Potsdam

“Unreal Realities: An Approach to Conspiracy Theories Based on Sociology of Knowledge” | ANDREAS ANTON, Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health, Freiburg

“Who Really Profits from Europe’s Islamization?: Conspiracy Theories in German Right Wing Contexts” | AMIR DIZDAREVIĆ and SAMAN HAMDI, University of Potsdam

Invisibility and Spy's Dress, Conspiracy TV Series (Homeland, Scandal), Food Conspiracy Theories

Coordinates GABRIELE MARINO, University of Turin

“Conspiracy Dress or le Degré Zéro de la Mode. Notes about the Importance of Being Invisible” | ELEONORA CHIAIS, University of Turin

“It’s all President’s Fault. Tricks, Conspiracies, Corruptions in American TV Series Set in the White House: Homeland and Scandal” | FEDERICA TURCO, University of Turin

“Tell me what you do not eat, and I will tell you who you are. Food, health and conspiracy theories” | SIMONA STANO, University of Turin

The intervention slides are available here

Anti-Semitism Today, Umberto Eco, Conspiracy and the development of Semiotics

Coordina SIMONA STANO, University of Turin

“Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism and the Crisis” | UGO VOLLI, University of Turin

 The paper is available at these locations

Conclusiione dei lavori | MASSIMO LEONE, University of Turin

The paper is available at these locations: /

Umberto Eco, Maurizio Ferraris, Peppino Ortoleva and Paolo Heritier on Conspiracy Theories


Coordinates prof. UGO VOLLI, University of Turin